28 December 2020
How many of the clothes in your wardrobe do you really use?
Have you ever found products at the back of the cupboard that you forgot you had bought? Is your garage so full of things that even parking has become a challenge?
Then the moment has arrived to have a good de-clutter!
Ever more people are deciding to follow a more sustainable lifestyle. It is a choice that can involve a wide variety of the aspects of daily life. Being sustainable can mean buying biodegradable products, following a zero-waste routine, buying locally grown and produced food, or giving up the car and taking the bike. Among the many things we can do, there is one that, as well as cleaning out our house, will help us to become more conscious consumers: de-cluttering.
De-cluttering literally means “removing unnecessary objects“, clearing out, re-organising to create more space. External space, in our houses (or offices!), but, especially, more internal space. This is a journey that, through a critical analysis of our lifestyle, has the aim of making us more free and leading us to reflect on what is really necessary and important for our happiness.
De-cluttering is also closely connected to environmental sustainability, because it relates to recycling, re-use and more conscious purchasing habits. So this is not simply throwing away what we don’t need, but also finding systems that allow us to optimise our resources without wasting them, and to give new value to objects that no longer serve us. Can’t wait to put order back into your life? Let’s start right away!
The idea of simplifying life and reducing waste is wonderful, but initiating action is always difficult! Starting big, moving boxes and clearing out entire rooms, is a stressful operation that could turn out to be deleterious and lead us to give up on our goals. That is why we advise starting small, organising yourself in two phases.
Prepare boxes to hold the items you have decided to get rid of. Here are some suggestions:
Now that your boxes are ready, you can start the real de-cluttering. A radical intervention is really difficult to keep up: better to start little by little. You can decide to dedicate half an hour a day to de-cluttering, or maybe think about it only during the weekend. Here is some advice on how to proceed.
What can de-cluttering contribute to your lifestyle? It will certainly guarantee you more space in your house. Without items out of place, overflowing wardrobes or badly-organised cupboards, you will discover how much easier and more comfortable it is to make decisions on small, everyday things… and cleaning will be easier, too!
The most important thing, however, is not the final result, but the process itself: analysing, selecting and giving things up will help you to understand what is really important for you and your family. You will learn how to reduce unnecessary expenses to a minimum in the future, giving your taste a more definite form and allowing you to be more conscious when you choose which products to buy. It will give you freedom: a possible move, for example, will be much more practical. In short, this is the right way to start living more sustainably, both for the environment and for your wallet.
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