Social Sustainability

For more transparent communication and to leave you with good memories, respecting your health, the environment and the world's animals.

The principle of social sustainability is based on the desire to leave a pleasant memory and respect for the health of all the people who use Winni’s products, but also of animals and the environment. Transparency is also a fundamental value for us and communication with our consumers takes place in a clear, understandable and direct way: for us this means social responsibility.

Health for the user

Choosing Winni’s products means significantly reducing the risk of problems for the health of our skin. This is because we carefully select only ingredients of vegetable and mineral origin, so that they have a minor impact on health and the environment.

Allergy is a reaction of the immune system to essentially harmless substances. Allergies and irritations can be triggered for example by pollen, hazelnuts, fragrances. At the base of an allergic reaction there are always personal risk factors, such as a family predisposition. For this reason, substances that are harmless to others can cause negative reactions in the immune system of some predisposed people. To be sure that our products that come into contact with the skin give the maximum possible safety to the consumer, after careful selection of raw materials and careful development of the formulations, we subject them to skin hypoallergenicity tests in certified external laboratories. We also test dermatological compatibility by monitoring the content of heavy metals, such as nickel, cobalt and chromium.

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Winni’s does not test and has never tested its products on animals. We strictly carry out only alternative tests to evaluate the safety of our products:

  • in vitro tests for the evaluation of ocular and skin hazard;
  • in vitro NRU test;
  • tests on volunteers (even on sensitive skin);
  • hypoallergenicity test on volunteers;
  • test for determining heavy Me content;
  • biodegradability test on activated sludge;
  • acute aquatic toxicity test on algae.

And then, to further guarantee the health of consumers, Winni’s products that come into direct contact with the skin are approved by Skineco, the International Association of Ecodermatology, which evaluates that the products are safe for the skin and approves their environmental sustainability. through an accurate ecotoxicological evaluation of the components. Skineco is a very strict and difficult to obtain discipline and Winni’s products are among the few mass markets that have obtained it. It is synonymous with the highest quality, obtained through rigorous tests and in-depth research and above all confirming that the unique characteristics of Winni’s are always demonstrable.







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